Hamsfar Rishta Service in Bahawalpur, Pakistan

 Hamsfar Rishta Service in Bahawalpur

 Hamsfar Rishta Service in Bahawalpur is one of the social unit.
It serves from last ten years in search matches for marriage purpose specially for Muslims. It succeed and now we increase its criteria.
 Hamsfar Rishta Service in Bahawalpur now opened for all caste people in search matches for marriage purposes. Do Registration and got as you wish matches.
Aim Organization for the Social improvement and human integration, Akola, Maharashtra.
Our Next attempt is to help economically poor people and their child for education, unavoidable necessities, disease etc. Generous donor who wants to support or help them they can donate Sadqa , Zaqat and bank interest money or donation to organization on its account number. God Bless you. God knows best.

Hamsfar Rishta Service in Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Hamsfar Rishta Service in Bahawalpur

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