What is AlhudaShaadi com customer service in Bahawalpur
has my profile been moved to AlhudaShaadi.com?
There are several benefits of having a profile on AlhudaShaadi.com
- Access over 35
million profiles
- View both Shaadi
Centre and Shaadi.com profiles
- Communicate
effectively with other members through email, phone and chat by upgrading
- Enjoy a variety
of Privacy and Security Controls
- Search on the
move with our mobile apps
do I access my profile on AlhudaShaadi.com?
You may access your account on Shaadi.com by using the email
address and password of your Shaadi Centre account.
will be able to view my profile on AlhudaShaadi.com?
We have taken utmost care of your privacy.
- Your profile
will continue to be visible to other Centre members whose profiles have
also been moved to Shaadi.com.
- Your new
Shaadi.com profile will remain completely hidden from other Shaadi.com
profiles until you choose to contact them
already have a Shaadi.com account with the same email ID. What happens now?
If you have a
Shaadi.com account with the same email ID, your account will not have been
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